Saturday, May 08, 2010

There is Always a way to Make it...

Sperm-bank donations rise in recession...


d. vanheule said...

oh that brings so many odd/scary? images and thoughts to my brain muscle.

d. vanheule said...

i just remembered that i had the craziest dream last night about sperm. the dream was kind of like innerspace with dennis quaid. i dreamt that there were these little fish like men who were much smaller than even the sperm and they were like warriors. they each represented their community of microscopic beings like themselves. when people would have sex they would go out as if they were on a hunt and their villages honor was at stake based on their success. so what these warriors would do is try to lasso and mount a single sperm. the sperm were like wild horses or something and they had no idea where to go without the direction of the little warrior riding it. so i guess, if you were able to actually get a sperm that was considered very honorable but if you were the one who actually got to sacrafice yourself and ride it all the way into the egg, you got to invite your whole community to come and live in the egg and you would all work together to help build a human!

tim said...

That is insane. You should find a dream interpreter to tell you what that means. I'd be interested to hear the answer. I spoke to a lady who interprets dreams once about a recurring dream i have about swimming with whales...