Thursday, March 25, 2010

the great unknown

what do you do, when you take a step forward, and feels like the wrong direction, so you take a step opposite, but it also seems wrong? where do you go? i swear, we can't catch a break. i feel like shauna and i have been jumping from sinking island to sinking island, like a super mario brothers nightmare. we just can't seem to land on solid ground. and this is the time it becomes hardest to have faith, when you need to fall back completely. i need to know God has an idea for us. i've never been good, or really known complete and unhindered faith. like a child. but its time for my faith to grow. to be bold and relentless.

i'll be 31 on friday. thats old. i can now actually remember my parents being my age, which is weird. i feel like i've accomplished next to nothing in my time here. not sure if i will anytime soon. in waiting for a dare to be great situation, i've let life pass me by. ho hum.

well, either way, the future, as soon as this summer, is out of our hands. we may end up back in auburn for a few years, if the wife gets a job there. a twist i never saw coming. we don't really have friends there anymore.

but, what is life without adventure? i always said i never wanted a boring life. perhaps thats what i've been given. much of me is not a lot different than the kid i was, just farther down the path, skin a little thicker and a head a little wiser.

1 comment:

d. vanheule said...

well i absolutely love and admire the man you've become. and i'm with you on the spirituality tip. its time...